Sunday, November 11, 2012


I love the fall! And one reason why I love the fall is Halloween. It is just so much fun to get dressed up, carve pumpkins, and eat CANDY!!! Kate got the joy of wearing 2 costumes this Halloween. Her intended costume (a ladybug-adorable) went missing in the hustle and bustle of Hurricane Sandy. So, come Halloween morning when the ladybug costume was no where to be found, Kate settled on being a duck (again) and was quite happy about it.

This year Kate helped Ryan scoop out the pumpkin innards, in years past she didn't want any part in it. Too yucky!

The startings of the Girl Pirate the Kate requested

Kate's trick-or-treating practice run during our family Halloween party

The big night finally arrives. We went trick-or-treating with friends and had a blast.

Kate and her little friend Adalyn snagging more candy for their bags

The little duck got tired quickly, but her eager father kept her going. I'm not sure which one was more excited about the candy.

Hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween. We did!!

             2012                                                                     2010

Look how my baby has grown! (tear)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Faces of Kate

Sometimes the only way to get Kate to hold still for a photo is to tell her to show her silly faces. And she is pretty darling, smiling or not.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fashion Statement

 So about a month ago I had to get something in the mail and I had just missed the mail lady, so I ran and caught her at the end of our street. As I am heading back to our house I see a cute little body running after me. This is the fabulous outfit she is wearing as she is sprinting down the sidewalk.


Summer of Family

We had an awesome summer because we were with family. My parents, my sister Jaymie and her awesome family came to visit. We absolutely loved it! Kate was in heaven while they were here. She loved having constant playmates. It gets a little lonely sometimes when you are an only child. We tried to convince my sister to leave some of her kids behind, but she wouldn't have it. Something about loving her kids and missing them, I don't know. Lame excuse. We had a blast while they were all here and we were sad to see them all leave.

***Warning... the post is a bit lengthy. Proceed with caution.

A Day in D.C.

 Can you hear the ocean in there?

 Guess what we are? DINOSAURS...Raaaaah! The Ellasaurus was the first of the dinosaurs to become extinct due to a lack of enthusiasm

The TriSARAHtops was always my favorite

My mom is always harassing me, okay maybe not harassing --lovingly concerned, about being Vegan.  But I told her, look how big the brontosaurus got eating plants.  She then reminded me that they are extinct. Touche`

Ashley and Ella were just a little excited to go hang out in the butterfly room

 Poppo saves the day with candy sticks for the girls

Hurray for the Washington Monument

 Beautiful sky and beautiful girls

Everyone made it to the top to see Abe, even little Aiden, although he wasn't too happy about it.

 The Vietnam Memorial

 It was a long, hot, exhausting day, but the kids were troopers. We all slept well that night.
Thank you Washington D.C. for a memorable day.

Extended Family Day
Ryan, Kate, and I are lucky to have my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins just a few miles away. So while all the West Coasters were here, we got together for some crazy cousin fun.


Butler's Orchard Berry Picking

Berry picking was a success. We got lots and lots of delicious blackberries to make homemade blackberry jam. Yum! With no room in the fridge, we put them down in our basement to stay cool. By the next day however they had fermented and we had to throw them all away. No blackberry jam. Tear. So I guess, berry picking was a success, but the jam, not so much.

More Fun Times

We even had a debut from Cousin Liz! I think she is Ryan's long lost sister. She looks like and reminds me so much of Ryan's mom. She was in town for a banquet honoring her and her journalism awesomeness. Way to go Liz! She is now off to Columbia University for her masters in journalism. New York Times watch out! 

As you can see we had a fun, family filled summer. I hope we can do it again next year. 
Who's up for it?