In the world of Sarah (Lillenberg) Darby the Christmas season starts the day after Halloween, November 1st. So now that we are a few days in, I am just loving it. I just fills my heart with joy to see all the candy and decorations on sale at the store. Now don't get me wrong, I am not an all year round Christmas light hanger, decorations don't go up until the day after Thanksgiving. Nov. 1st is the day that I can "officially" start listening to Christmas music and start doing Christmas things (although in reality I listen the joyful carols all year round). This is definitely my favorite time of year and Halloween is included in the "this time of year" category because it is the big bang that kicks it off the whole season.
This year we enjoyed passing out candy to the cute trick-or-treaters, carving pumpkins, finding our way through a corn maze, haunted houses, making caramel apples, etc. Each holiday must be enjoyed in its own right.