Thursday, March 6, 2008

I Have a Green Thumb!!!

Today was a beautiful sunny day and I thought that our apartment could use a little taste of spring. After pasing the garden department at Lowes for THREE HOURS, I finally found the right flowers to plant. Ryan is very glad he wasn't with me.


Anonymous said...

If the plants survive for more than three months, then you have a green thumb - at least that's my rule. I can't believe you cut your hair, but it is still long.

By the way, I loved the Toys R Us post. I've always wanted to play on one of those piano things ever since I saw one in BIG, but I didn't think they had them anymore. So, my dream is still alive.


Jaymie said...

Arab your flowers look beautiful! I'm sure they make you happy everytime you walk past them - you've inspired me to do something about our backyard! I'm ready for spring too (although my spring will probably come 3 months later than yours will :( ).